

如何绕组三相定子-盖这个有价值的互动培训工具是培训新手的理想选择。. 即使是有经验的缠绕者也会从中吸取教训. 这个在线课程教如何在一个丰富的详细,循序渐进的方法. 本课程包括叙事, 动画和视频剪辑, 用测试来评估学生的理解能力. 



本课程主要针对没有或很少有绕线经验的新手. It can also be used for reinforcement and expansion of more experienced winders knowledge of random winding. 进一步, many of the techniques and principles used for three phase random windings can also be applied to armatures, 绕线转子, 励磁线圈, 并形成线圈定子绕组.

该软件是交互式的,并且是自定节奏的. 你可以随心所欲地重复每一部分,直到你对材料感到舒服为止. 通过练习你将从视频片段中学到的技巧, you will be able to learn to rewind motors more quickly than by using only the traditional “on-the-job training”.

最简单的形式, 的三相, 无绕组定子 winding process consists of removing an existing winding from a stator and replacing it with a winding that duplicates the original winding performance characteristics. 通过性能特性,我们指的是铭牌额定值(例如.g.电动机或发电机的功率(马力或千瓦额定值)和转速保持不变.
  1. 取数据
  2. 核心测试
  3. 线圈截止
  4. 倦怠的程序
  5. 绕组剥离程序
  6. 核心的准备
  7. 线圈制作
  8. 绕组绝缘和线圈插入
  9. 内部连接
  10. 绕组的系带和支撑
  11. 未处理绕组的检查
  12. 测试未处理和处理过的绕组
  13. 蜿蜒的治疗

课程的进度通常与卷绕工作的顺序相同, 不过也有一些例外, 包括叙述, 动画和视频剪辑, 以及评估学生理解能力的测试. 其他功能包括“专业提示”和“演练”,旨在提高学习经验.

The primary objectives of this interactive course are to provide the student with necessary information on the methods, 正确倒带三相的材料和工具, 无绕组定子. 此外,教学生(i.e., the novice winder) the correct steps and procedures to effectively apply this information in the rewinding process. 最终目标是让学生成为一名熟练的缠绕者.

为学生成功地学习吹风, 本课程的一个必要补充是实际动手操作. 一位导师, 比如经验丰富的绕线员或监督员, 应该引导学生进行动手操作吗. 导师也可以指导学生具体到他们的服务中心的做法.

全面、正确地看待卷制课程, 在这里,我们将详细介绍每节课的目标.

在第一课中, 取数据, 关键目标是准确确定三相定子的绕组数据, 包括连接, 转, 跨度(s), 线的大小, 波兰人, and grouping; and core and coil dimensions. It is important that the new winding data match the original so that the motor produces the same performance characteristics (e.g., 在倒带之前的马力或千瓦额定值和速度), 能源效率等级保持不变. 进一步, 重要的是要注意,有些关键数据不能在绕组过程的后期确定. 例如, 如果转数不正确, 在处理掉被移除的绕组后,它们无法确定.

在下一课中, 核心测试, 主要目标是如何使用两种不同的方法执行核心测试, 以及所需的材料和设备. 另一个主要目标是认识到……的重要性, 以及如何评估, 堆芯测试结果. 正确执行的堆芯测试可以在倒带之前检测堆芯退化. 要做到这一点,核心应该在燃尽过程之前和之后进行测试. 这里的关键是避免在有缺陷的铁芯中插入新的绕组, 然后必须修复核心,重复倒带过程, 或者更糟, 不得不报废定子铁芯. 在执行一些核心测试之后, the student should have a better understanding of how much time and potential cost can be saved by performing core tests before and after winding removal. 也, 通过执行核心测试, the student will have a higher level of confidence that the stator core is in satisfactory condition for rewinding.

The critical objective of the 线圈截止 lesson is to be able to cut off coil extensions without injury to the technician or the stator. 从本质上讲,就是把铜线剪断, 不是定子的任何其他金属部件, 并以一种不伤害定子或执行任务的人的方式进行. 适当的切割线圈延伸也减少了时间和努力,当拔出线圈.

以下切断线圈,下一步是倦怠. Important objectives of the lesson on the Burnout process are to understand how the burnout oven works in a temperature-controlled manner, 以及如何操作和正确加载烤箱. 燃尽烘箱破坏绕组绝缘,方便取出绕组. A key aspect of the burnout process is for the student to recognize that control of the part temperature is much more critical to the process than simply controlling chamber temperature. 在这节课中,学生们还将了解与装载不当的烤箱相关的潜在风险.

倒带过程的下一步是绕线剥离. Primary objectives in this lesson are understanding and using winding removal methods and equipment to remove the old winding safely, 并避免损坏定子铁芯. 因为剥离方法和设备各不相同, the mentor should provide the student with specific instructions on winding stripping in their service center. 与绕线剥离密切相关的是获取数据, 许多重要的数据是在汽提过程中获得的, e.g.、连接、匝数、跨度、线径、极、分组. 请注意,这是对开始绕线过程的数据获取课程的回归.

拆除绕组和绝缘后,必须准备好裸芯线以插入绕组. 核心准备的关键目标是如何清洁, inspect and prepare the bare core; and how to repair lamination damage and defects. 这一步骤确保芯在实际复卷之前处于令人满意的状态, 并与核心测试课程相关联. The prepared core is core tested to verify that core losses have not increased from the initial core test by an unacceptable amount. 重复的核心测试强化了学生核心测试的各个方面, and provides a learning opportunity for the student to calculate the before versus after parameter comparisons.

All of the steps and associated lessons to this point have dealt with existing windings and stator components. The first step in actual rewinding is 线圈制作; that is, 用新的磁铁线和其他材料制造新的线圈. 线圈制作的主要目标是识别材料, tools and equipment needed; and how to make random wound coils to be installed into a three-phase stator core. 学生将了解到,新的线圈必须有相同的匝数和导线面积作为原来的绕组, 并且具有相同的物理特征,例如线圈延伸. Coil making equipment varies considerably; therefore the mentor should provide the student with specific instructions on the use of the coil winding equipment in their service center.

做了新的线圈, 它们需要被插入核心, 进入下一步, 绕组绝缘和线圈插入. The objectives of this lesson are to be able to determine the materials and tools needed; and how to install random-wound coils into a three-phase stator core. 实际上在这个过程中有多个步骤,处理绝缘和插入. 槽是绝缘的,然后线圈插入,接着绝缘线圈之间. 学生还将学习如何识别正确插入的一组线圈.

即使绕组线圈已经制作并正确插入, 如果连接不正确,绕组将不能正常工作. 这在下一步“内部连接”中完成. 除了要求身体的精确性和对细节的关注, 学生将学习必要的步骤,以“布局”和验证连接的准确性. 本课的关键目标是如何识别和布置绕组连接, 以及实际连接绕组的步骤. The student will also gain an appreciation for the unlimited variety of possible winding connections and layouts.

插入的绕组线圈应紧贴在槽内, 但需要加强以减少移动或转移的趋势. Varnish treatment and curing will do much to make the winding more rigid; however, 还有一个关键步骤是用来加强绕组线圈. 那就是绕组的系带和支撑, 主要目标是使绕线者熟练掌握绕线方法, 绕组系带和支撑的材料和程序. 学生还将学习如何确定在不同绕组上使用的支撑的数量和类型.

绕组的下一步行动是治疗和治愈它. 这一步基本上是不可逆的. 这是, 处理过的绕组不容易修改,如果, 例如, 接线错误或接地故障. 因此,绕组顺序的下一步是检查和测试未处理的绕组. The primary objective of 未处理绕组的检查 is how to properly inspect and evaluate an inserted and untreated three-phase random winding for defects or imperfections. Upon completion of this lesson the student will be able to detect visual indications of unsatisfactory winding condition versus acceptable appearance.

Following inspection the companion critical objectives of Testing of Untreated and Treated Windings are how to perform and evaluate testing of untreated, 治疗过的, 三相无规绕组. 学生收到有关适用考试的信息, 如何执行它们, 以及如何评价结果.

Following inspection and testing of the untreated winding we move on to the final step in the winding process, 蜿蜒的治疗. 这一步对于提供具有良好传热的绕组是至关重要的, 高粘结强度, 防止污染. The key objectives of 蜿蜒的治疗 are to make the winder knowledgeable and proficient in the equipment and materials to varnish treat and cure windings; and the methods and procedures to varnish treat, 修复和评估成品三相无规绕组. 实际的最后一步是测试处理过的绕组,如上所述.

总之,有必要重申一下课程目标的第一段. The primary objectives of this interactive course are to provide the student with necessary information on the methods, 正确倒绕三相无绕组定子的材料和工具. 此外,教学生(i.e., the novice winder) the correct steps and procedures to effectively apply this information in the rewinding process. 最终目标是让学生成为一名熟练的缠绕者, 能够倒带在服务中心看到的所有不同类型的绕组(如.g., 随机绕组定子, 形线圈定子, 随机和形式绕线转子, 随机和形式的电枢, 和磁场线圈).

为学生成功地学习吹风, 本课程的一个必要补充是实际动手操作. 一位导师, 比如经验丰富的绕线员或监督员, 应该引导学生进行动手操作吗. 导师也可以指导学生具体到他们的服务中心的做法.

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